Start of the Co-operation Project with the Scharrer Middle School

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Everyone is engrossed in the Kahoot game

In June 2024, Scharrer Middle School received the Etz Chaim Cup, which has been awarded by the Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit in Franken e.V. (GCJZ) for 10 years now for projects that emphasise and promote cooperation and mutual respect between the three monotheistic religions. The school is given the opportunity to realise its own ideas in various projects within one year. The school approached BaFID with a request for support in designing an interfaith workshop. After initial discussions with those responsible at the school, the centre’s scientists developed kahoot games to provide a playful introduction to the topic of ‘interreligious discourse’ during the visit of two M classes. During this visit on 23.07.2024, the BaFID scientists presented the work of the research centre and the tasks of a scientist. They were able to clearly demonstrate how scientific volumes or an interreligious calendar are created. After a lively round of the Kahoot game, the pupils were able to ask questions and it became clear how familiar they are with topics relating to religion. Ideas were collected from the pupils for the project to be realized next year, and more are sure to follow.

The BaFID staff were pleasantly surprised to hear that a return visit to the research institute’s premises is also on the Scharrer School pupils’ wish list for the coming school year. The team is very much looking forward to fulfilling this wish in the coming school year.

Further information about the school and the award ceremony can be found here:
Etz-Chaim-Schulpokal der Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit in Franken e.V. (GCJZ)