Ramy Abdin

Ramy Abdin, M.A.

Research Assistant Specialising in Islam

Bavarian Research Centre for Interreligious Discourses

Hugenottenplatz 1a
91054 Erlangen


Ramy Abdin studied Islamic Studies, Oriental Philology, and Philosophy as well as traditional Islamic disciplines in Vienna and Cairo. Since 2018, he has been working on his PhD at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, where he is examining Ṭāhā ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān’s concept of philosophical creativity. Abdin previously worked as a research assistant at the FAU
Erlangen-Nürnberg. There he was involved in several projects, including the completion of the multi-volume collection ‘Handbook of Qurʾānic Hermeneutics’ and the coordination of a long-term project on the normativity of the Qurʾān. He is also currently a lecturer in Arabic at the FAU Language Centre. Since 2024, he has worked as a research assistant at BAFID, specializing in Islam. His research interests are wide-ranging. They include the interaction between Islam and modern technology, the interpretation of Islamic end-times prophecies, and the role of philosophy in the Islamic world.


  • 05.2024: Al-Ghazālī in the Black Forrest – The destruction of (western) metaphysics as a way towards technological spirituality. International Conference: Heidegger and the non-Western Tradition Thinking (together with Eimen Abdin)
  • 04.2024: Revelation in Islam and Christianity. Workshop in Gars (Religionspädagogisches Zentrum) together with Christian Lange
  • 10.2023: What does Islam say about AI? Long Night of Science, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • 03.2023: An Islamic perspective on (modern) technology. „Robot, pray for me!“: Robots as Instruments of God? Exploration in Robotics and Theology. Ruhr-University Bochum
  • 05.2022: The Qur’anic exegetical understanding of Ṭāhā ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān. Prophecy meets poetry: Symposium in honor of Professor Hartmut Bobzin
  • 05.2022: Abraham in Islam. Retirement retreat. Interfaith event in Erfurt
  • 10.2021: The problem of imitation: Taha Abd ar-Rahmans critique of ‘Modern’ Quranic hermeneutics. International Conference Hermeneutics of Quranic Norm Change from 14-15.10.2021 in Erlangen
  • 10.2019: Halal or Fairtrade: Islamic perspectives on trade ethics debates. Long Night of Science, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • 09.2019: The Correlation Between Gog and Magog and the Antichrist in Imran Hosein’s Concept of Islamic Eschatology. International Conference Politics, History, Eschatology, Functional, Inter(con)textual, Structural and Comparative Approaches to Gog and Magog, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

  • The Faces of Gog and Magog in Islam, in: Georges Tamer (Ed.), Lutz Greisiger (Ed.), Julia Wannenmacher (Ed.): Politics – History – Eschatology. Functional, Inter(con)textual, Structural, and Comparative Approaches to Gog and Magog. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023
  • Wahba az-Zuḥaylī, in: Georges Tamer (Ed.): Handbook of Quranic Hermeneutics. Berlin: De Gruyter [to be published soon]
  • Imran Hosein, in: Georges Tamer (Ed.): Handbook of Quranic Hermeneutics. Berlin: De Gruyter [to be published soon]
  • Die Auswüchse der Technik, in: Fahima Ulfat (Ed.), Mouez Khalfaoui (Ed.), Mohammed Nekroumi (Ed.): Die Normativität des Koran im Zeichen gesellschaftlichen Wandels. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2022
  • What are Robots? An Islamic Approach from a Metaphysical Understanding of the Human Being in: Lukas Brand, (Ed.), Dominik Winter (Ed.): [Title will be announced soon]. Baden-Baden: Nomos [to be published soon]